Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Essay on Should We Be Happy with What we Have

Should we be happy with what we have? It is a very common but not less actual question. I would like to present a few arguments to support this sentence.

Excessive possession and consumption of material benefits harms to the improvement of our soul. 
Gluttony, self-seeking, money-grubbing are manifestations of our lower nature, leading to the poverty of our soul. Luxury is an ugliness created by irrepressible selfishness and indulgences to own weaknesses. Spiritual emptiness man tries to fill with material benefits and amenities, seeking external pleasures.

When wanting more, we overload ourselves with useless, unnecessary things.
It is necessary to distinguish between something we really need (livelihoods) and the things that are not important for our life. All things in large quantities become redundant.

In life there are things necessary, without them it is difficult to live, and the things that we constantly need. 

And there are some things superfluous, without which a person can easily manage and live, without even noticing.

Compare bread, candy, chewing gum, knife, dish, cup of coffee; paper, toy, pencil sharpener; bed and carpet; apartment and garage.

Must be able to be happy with what we have.
It is easier to be satisfied with a little than to pursue more. Increased demands do not lead to good, they are pushing for action in the name of selfish desires and counter environmental resistance develops and tempers overly negative characteristics and traits of the person. We have to be able to restrain ourselves, and not to indulge ourselves. People often want to think about something they do not have. They feel that they miss something, they can not calm down, all the time they want some more.

We have to learn to appreciate what we have now, and think less about what we do not. If you think that you do not have much, it is useful to think about how homeless people, who live in basements, in the cold and hunger. Then you will understand who is really in need, and will be able to tell the real need from apparent.

A certain shortage is good for our soul. Lack of knowledge and the mind is worse than a lack of money.
Our lives have meaning, if we are able to be happy with what we have. We often imagine ourselves in other circumstances and in another place, compare our live with that of another person, do not notice the good things that we have in our lives and start to think that it has no meaning. We has only to look at our life from a different angle, and it seems quite different - bright, colorful and joyful. The only question is whether we are able to consider. Think about the words of a wise man: "Two women looked through the prison window. 

One saw mud, the other stars. "But the choice is always up to us - to see in this life meaningless dirt or admire the stars!

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